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Tvrdic Honey Blog

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Posted by on in Uncategorized

The story of the queen bee is probably among the most fascinating ones in the animal world.


First of all, it is a story about an animal that was called a "king" up until 1609, when and Englishman Charles Butler wrota a book called The Feminine Monarchie, describing the queen as a sort of an "Amazonian ruler of the beehive". And boy, was he right!


It is a story about an animal that, in her 24/7 daily tempo, manages to give birth to an entire colony of 50,000 on her own, which, because of the short lifespan of bees, means she lays around 2,000 larva a day.

The weight of 2,000 larva a day is equal or more to her own! Imagine a woman giving birth to a child her own size, every day!


Think about it next time when you complain about your work schedule :)


photo source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com

Hits: 20676

Posted by on in Uncategorized

I see people doing this all the time - one make himself a hot cup of tea and puts honey right in it. Nice, isn't it? Please, don't do it!

Honey is the only food in the world that does NOT have an expiration date. However, only 2 things destroy honey - humidity and high temperature.

Honey in tea

The honey should be melted in lukewarm drinks. It shouldn't be taken in hot drinks, because the heat destroys the valuable properties of the honey. Melted in lukewarm milk, the honey helps with insomnia, because it encourages the creation of serotonin, that is a hormone responsible for relaxing, good mood and sleep.

So try remembering it next time you make yourself a nice hot cup of tea - if you wait for 5 minutes before putting the honey, you will get all the benefits a spoon of honey brings to your body!


photo source: http://dreamteaboutique.com




Hits: 10054



One of the topics we care about a lot is the danger in which the bees find themselves nowadays. But are we, as beekeepers, the only ones that should be afraid of the possibility of a world without bees?

It might seem like a Sci-fi scenario that, one day, the bees would simply disappear. But even the reduction in bee colonies that we are seeing nowadays here, in Europe, is frightening!


Why do I choose such a grim topic for my second blog post?


Well it is exactly because of the importance of this problem for all of us. Yes, there are many nice topics to write about that are related to beekeeping, and I promise to try to keep a positive line in this blog. However, this topic is so important that it should be screamed out instead of simply writing about it.

I am also writing about this topic, because I have come across two great articles this week I want to share with you

First of them is a study (apparently Europe´s most comprehensive one) about colony deaths in Europe. And the results seem to be quite bad; especially in western European countries. It has mentioned winter colony mortality as high as 33,6 % (!)  Se

The second article, which touches the hearts (and stomachs) of all of us is a great article called simply “List of Foods we will lose if we don´t save the bees”. It is what it is – a list of food which bees pollinate and which would disappear if bees would perish!

Scary, isn´t it? To think that we would lose apples, strawberries, cherries, lemons….



img source: http://oneshoebehind.tumblr.com/

Hits: 10455

Posted by on in Uncategorized

(Hrvatska verzija ispod)

Hello everybody!

Some of you know us personally, some have no idea who we are. We are a beekeeping family from the island of Solta, Croatia, and we have been beekeeping since 80 years now. It is only since recently that we started making beekeeping classes on our honey farm, in order to educate people on the beekeeping itself, but also on the relevance of bees and the dangers they are facing.

To our surprise, the classes were a great success, as people became increasingly interested in the topic. We are proud to say that, after only 4 years of our classes, we have around 2000 people visiting each year!

Why are we blogging? We will try to expand our classes, we will write about beekeeping topics, as well as about the beautiful place where we live. We want you to get to know us online, or to maintain a relationship of you are one of the many people that have visited us.

Please comment. Please write us at info@tvrdichoney.com. Praise us, criticize us, anything is welcome! We are new at this, and willing to learn

Zdravo svima!

Neki od vas nas znaju osobno, neki nemaju pojma tko smo. Ukratko, mi smo pčelari sa otoka Šolte, i pčelarimo već 80 godina. Tek od nedavno smo počeli sa prezentacijama o medu i pčelarenju, u svrhu edukacije ljudi o tim temama, ali i o važnosti pčela i opasnostima s kojima se moraju suočavati.

Na naše iznenađenje, prezentacije su bile jako uspješne! Nakon 4 godine tih prezentacija, možemo reći da nas godišnje posjeti oko 2000 ljudi.

Zašto smo se odlučili pisati blog? Pokušati ćemo proširiti naše prezentacije, pisajući o pčelarskim temama, kao i o otoko na kojem živimo. Želimo da nas upoznate preko ovog bloga, ili da održimo vezu s ljudima koji su nas već posjetili.

Molimo vas da komentirate, ili nam pišite na info@tvrdichoney.com. Pohvalite nas, kritizirajte nas, sve je dobrodošlo! novi smo o ovome, i želimo učiti!


Hits: 9975